Monday, June 14, 2021


It all began at the mall,

With beauty as bright as the moon, 

And symphonies to sustain a lifetime, 

Of slow kisses, cute smiles, I love You's

And promises of ever after.

From dreams to nightmares,

For my actions and inactions,

Of lack of commitment and divided halo's,

A burrow to our castle plan.

Which freed your butterfly from my cocoon.

Here I'm alone and reminiscing our past.

My lies you'd see through,

You (my gem) I'd never find again, 

I lost you to my faux stories.

I hurt the one I love the most,

If only I could rewrite us

On the sand of time,

Maybe this time I'd protect our names

From being blown away

By the breeze of my undoing.

Written by Oladipo Afeez Olajide

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