Thursday, September 13, 2018


I'm flirting with a demon I could hardly define,
I'm wooing the air I could hardly hold,
I place all hope in a basket on the river bank,
Yet I'm as strong as the igneous rock,

I'm homed with a clown I could hardly describe,
With smile on my lips I could hardly decide,
I thought of his goals and I was all but dismayed,
With lot on my head all I could do was gaze,

Yet my stare was as clear as the sky,
With darkness all I seek was light,
I figured a way but with no design,
I'm building a home of air in the cloud,
With a scream so loud I'm all but awake,
Only to realize it all in farce,
Then I noticed I've alight from my dream,

Been a man was all I aim,
To be the best is nothing but a game,
Life is a conquest,
I'm a victor,
Challenge my daily hurdle,
As all focus on wealth and the life beyond,
Here I'm  been a mocking bird
Spilling every thought with no regret

Written by Oladipo Afeez Olajide