Monday, December 31, 2018


Respect according to wikitioinary can be define as good opinion, honor or admiration of person (s), 

It can also mean an attitude of high consideration or high regard.

Jean Jacquise Rousseau once said man was born free but lived everywhere in chains, what brought

the bondage he don't know, but the explanation of how he got there was the totality of his writing.

These black stone/ undogmatic of Jean research progress can be seen in the life of human,

particularly in youthful or adolescents stage of their life, when people who can be seen as guardian,

parent or elders believe due to their knowledge and experience of life derived from the many years

spent on earth.

These elders believe they have not only the power to shape teenage future but to also enforce a

desired course of action on their younger one's. Though these treat is vivid in every society from the

western developed economy to the developing nations in Africa.

However it is a dominate culture in Africa society, as the value of respect for elderly ones has

primacy over any other factors, which may include economic, socio-political and religious factor.

The concept of Respect is not only ideological but also the doctrinal expression used by leaders in

any society to maintain the status quo and command obedience from the totality of the population,

which can be seen according to the indirect Form of socialization that, obedience to one's parents can

translate into obedience to Government, and obedience to government according to the divine theory

is obedience to God.... i. e whatever the leader/ruler say is law is law, and disobedience to the ruler is

disobedience to God and vise versa.

 However to avoid further digression from the subject matter, the rational behind this school of

thought is that, it is of the believe that these elders know the teenagers better than they do themselves,

therefore have the authority to make the young ones take a desired course of action and command

compliance either with / without the use of sanctions.

These postulation brings to light another contemporary and wide questions such as who knows the

best action that will bring progress to one's live, A guardian or the person?

 How can we define the best action?

Hence, Philosophers, Scholars in support of the elders believe this elder derived their authority from

 the bases of economic and spiritual need, these can be seen when they provide economic needs for

the young people such, provision of food, clothes, shelter, security. Not only that, the elders also

provide spiritual needs by forcing such teenager to religious gathering be it church or mosque.

 Thus, noting the benefits derived from the elders by the younger generation does it really suffice as a

cogent reason for the elders to impose their will on the young generation even to their own detriment.

If the younger generation however fail to take their desired course of action, these can be major

stimulant for conflict which can degenerate into escalation stage.

The issue of respect if not properly manage can lead to lack of communication and will in the long

run bring delay in socioeconomic development in any society.

In view of these literature the issue of respect should be a universal issue which is applicable in not

only a vertical direction i.e hierarchical relationship but horizontal in it applicability, i.e. Relationship

among equal, the essence of these is to checkmate and guide against abuse of the power given for

personal gain or promote personal ideology or interest.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


I'm flirting with a demon I could hardly define,
I'm wooing the air I could hardly hold,
I place all hope in a basket on the river bank,
Yet I'm as strong as the igneous rock,

I'm homed with a clown I could hardly describe,
With smile on my lips I could hardly decide,
I thought of his goals and I was all but dismayed,
With lot on my head all I could do was gaze,

Yet my stare was as clear as the sky,
With darkness all I seek was light,
I figured a way but with no design,
I'm building a home of air in the cloud,
With a scream so loud I'm all but awake,
Only to realize it all in farce,
Then I noticed I've alight from my dream,

Been a man was all I aim,
To be the best is nothing but a game,
Life is a conquest,
I'm a victor,
Challenge my daily hurdle,
As all focus on wealth and the life beyond,
Here I'm  been a mocking bird
Spilling every thought with no regret

Written by Oladipo Afeez Olajide

Thursday, August 2, 2018


Once upon a time,
In a town quite far,
was a boy housing
the soul of a man.

schooled like his likes,
learned in the lessons
of a leader — to have
a goal ahead of his head.

unlike his father's wants,
the media was his place
to find a voice, a means
to his turning point.

he vowed to wow his lots
with a greater cost to pay;
leaving linguistics to
pursuing political science.

the papers prepared him
for greater battles against
forces within the school
when his passes were failed.

embittered by the exit of near
and dear ones — the crew which
he was a part of; spending
an extra time to score this goal.

friends go, friends come:
he renewed his circle with faces
from a future he didn't foresee
while his night broke into dawn.

he bought & sold to pass his time
within this prison of classes & tests
& later bagged his degree a year after:
ready for a new phase as a youth corper.

Written by Oladipo Afeez Olajide

Edited by Rilwan Tukur

Friday, July 27, 2018


Eyes wide shut,
Barrel of memories replaying,
Each drop from the barrel,
A different taste of beverage,
Sometimes its honey other times its Campari
Either way it all liquid,
Hot or cold,
Every gulp remind me of my past,
Good or bad,
Happy or sad,
Fun or boring,
It remains my core.

Unedited 💭

Saturday, June 23, 2018



That the word to describe us,
Gender alike,
We sought to have ends met,
To some love it's,
To others material thing,
While to some others just sexual satisfaction,

Either way,
We take our mark seriously,
Like every con man on job,
Becoming one with the new identity,
Maybe sometimes it too late,
Late to tell who we really are,
To who we pretend to be,

Some ply this route so long,
The road to self discovery,
Becomes another form of pretense,
Telling little lies,
faking emotions, feelings,
Doing what often make our mark(s)
Give what we need without the need to ask.

Either way at the end we all are con,
And we all have been conned at one point,
Yet we never stop wishing to be con (ed),
Cause what is life without con,
What life without love,
Love is con,
Con is love,
So ask yourself are you a con?  Or a mark?

By Olajide Oladipo

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Health Tips

Ginger drink Natural drinks or beverages are the best form of drinks to indulge in for our body system, They are handy and homemade,You have optimum anti-oxidants and an energy booster . It prevent your body system from stroke, cholesterol, diabetes, heart, lung, kidney,liver related diseases and other internal organs ailment. It help with weight loss, detoxifying the body
which is the foundation to a permanent weight loss and highly beneficial to your overall health.

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera One of such drink is Garlic, lime, ginger and aloe-Vera drink. Preparation Time : 10 minutes Ingredients: *5 Garlic *50 cl Lime *5 Ginger *1 long and large stem of Aloe-Vera *50 cl Pure honey Optional *50 cl Grape *50 cl Orange How to Prepare it: *Open up the Aloe Vera stem and scrape the gel into a bowl. *Peel the Ginger and Garlic. *Then put the Aloe Vera, all the Garlic and some of the Ginger into your blender first. *Add some Lime Juice then blend. *While blending, remove the blender cover and pure the remaining Lime Juice and then add the remaining Ginger 1 by 1 until everything is in the mix and blending. *Lastly, while the blending is still going on, pour the honey into the mix. *Leave for another 30 seconds for everything to be fully blended and mixed together. Pour the mix into a 1.5 litre bottle and keep refrigerated(frozen).

NOTE: If you have peeled Egusi(Melon) before, then you can peel the Garlic the same way by squeezing sideways to remove the skin. Shake well before you take your 1 shot or 3 tablespoonful every night and always keep refrigerated. I take it 3 times a week, morning and night. Morning on an empty stomach before brushing the teeth and at night before sleeping and as usual, i brush my teeth at night because of the smell. Do not be bothered about the offensive odour of the Garlic and the bitter taste of the Aloe Vera. The combination of the Ginger, Lime Juice and Honey will neutralize them and you will probably wonder if the Garlic and Aloe Vera are actually in the mix. The Ginger and Honey also act as preservative to make the mix maintain its taste and potency throughout until you finish it. Though, the drink is relatively bitter since it is not a juice that you can gargle. I always gulp it just like drugs and it is worth taking it every morning after brushing the teeth or before taking your compulsory breakfast. You can take it before sleeping at night as well. Make sure you give it a try and make it your daily drink .



It all began,
With my thoughts in words,
My words in rhymes,
My rhymes in love,
And my love in you.

If anyone asks you,
Tell them I'm a little mad,
Say I looked for you,
At the bottom of every bottle,
Hoping to find happiness,
Cause I miss you bad.

If anyone asks you,
Just say the sun forgot to shine,
And the earth stood still,
Say happiness exists still,
And I found mine at the bottom of a labeled bottle,
Which label reads your name.

If anyone asks you,
Tell them I've been drinking all year,
Now I'm drunk to stupor,
Not of alcohol however,
But for the love you showered on me.

If anyone ask you,
Tell them I've been smoking for decades,
For reason unknown,
Until I met you,
My sight was bright as sun,
And reason so clear as star,
That which have been smoking,
Was your love wrapped in rizzla.

If anyone ask you,
Tell them I've been writing,
For a particular reason,
That glued our fate,
Make us mate,
Just to start with a date,
Maybe at this rate,
Our love would escalate,
To a level we procreate,
For our family to relate,
Leading us to celebrate,
What we just created.

If anyone ask you,
Just tell them what we Feel,
Is fireproof.