Monday, November 14, 2016

OLD WAYS Vs NEW WAYS: Questions in the twinkle of an eye

Why do people in the twinkle of an eye disregard the importance of what is old to adopt the 

new trend of things?

Though I'm not against the new order of things, but the value of the old ways and 

paradigms cannot be easily thrashed, when the new shining object sparkles right into our 


Why do people in the twinkle of an eye disregard the value of old love for new one's?

The value of parental love which are measured in decades: pain and pleasure? 

Though man is believably naturally conditioned to prefer pleasure to pain, but all pleasure 

with no pain create one sided memories, showing only one side of what life connotes, 

because in life there are always two sides to every phenomenon and it does not suffice to see 

or feel one and neglect the other. 

This is however because the true value of the other would be downplayed.

For instance, a boy/girl who decides to elope with his or her newly found love without 

entertaining the tendency of seeking their parents' opinion is also disregarding the value of 

old love in favour of the new ones. This is a situation where youths make decision based on 

their fear or favour of their parents' reactions: for those who "do not think for others".

Why do people in the twinkle of an eye disregard the value of the 'old' culture upon the adoption of 

the new ones? 

Though this topic might attract controversies, as some would base their argument of the old 

culture on its seemingly barbaric nature and conservative attributes, forgetting the fact that 

it is the reason why they were where they have always been and must not be totally 

eradicated but instead modernized to suit the contemporary world, as history of human 

development cannot be fully understood without including the barbaric state of nature 

which they had previously existed.

Why do people in the twinkle of an eye disregard the value of an old tradition and religion 

for the new ones? 

Old traditions and religions, no matter how cruel might not be as distasteful as the 

contemporary ones which preaches conflict in the contest of love and segregation in that of 


While old traditions might claim certain live unjustly "in innocent babies" or abominable 

life, so as new tradition and religion conflicts which life claims has no specific age boundary

but an everyday phenomenon.

Where the Old religions ask for little in wealth as returns for prayers and goodwill, new 

religions however drain the pocket of innocent masses and create such problems as poverty

 on a wider scale. Religious leaders in this new age live lavishly at the expense of their 

subjects; building places of worship instead of shelter for the homeless; buying private jets 

instead of building companies, industry for the jobless; building expensive educational 

institutions against the standard of living of masses; killing, raping and punishing innocent 

lives at the expense of love, peace and unity.

Why do people in the twinkle of an eye disregard the value of an old relationship such as 

courtship at the expense of new ones, easily relegating the bound of love and feelings felt for 

the old ones as often instantly transferred to the new ones, in that while spending time or 

making love to the old ones, the picture of the new found love is born in mind?

Why do people in the twinkle of an eye forget so much about all that matter in our pasts?

This I know certainly, a home without pillars often collapses and our pasts are the pillars 

for the future and must be constantly reviewed.


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