Sunday, July 14, 2024

Stay In The Light

burn love into air dust

and let us slowly

breathe it

up our nostrils

like cocaine

i know the fire 

in your eyes

find the river

on my lips

let us merge

the elements

and become one

water and fire;

the magic of

hot and cold...

burn love into

the surface of 

our hearts let 

the flames of

passion consume 

us completely  

I drink deeply 

from the river

of your lips 


molten us together

like metallic 

elements we

are liquified.

Goodnight my queen

Fantastic Garden

Your breath intoxicating 

My heart drunk in you

Love swirls deep satisfaction 

Perfume chains you and me, us, we

Our making love is sensational 

Luxurious this amazing arousal 

Sensitivity speaks, ecstasy flows

Your embrace ignited 

Sizzling tingles throbbing 

Our bodies become a butterfly cascade

Spinal sensations release endorphins 

Inches away our lips collide 

Quickly our bodies collapse 

Loud echoes of pleasures sound

This is creates our fantastic garden