Monday, January 7, 2019


Here I am again,
Doing what gives me no gain,
Spilling heartfelt words,
For a new found muse,
This gift I thought
Was lost in a pile of waste,
Like other gabbages,
Not useful to human race,
Yet it's the reason I get solace,
From the reality of this harsh world,
As a man of few words,
My bloody ink is often depleted,
Every time I visit this bank,
It pumps till my tank is exhausted,
My zeal remains the driver,
Of this uber of creativity,
My attraction the fuel for this crazivity.

Here I am again,
In a sacred sanctuary,
Surrounded by feathers,
Clinging to illusory hope,
Of a future unknown,
Risking all like I did in the past,
A different outcome for my goal,
A gambler I am,
Risking the unknown,
And stalking my entirety,
For if I win,
I stand to gain the world,
Yet if I lose,
I risk to lose this world.

Ladoime ©

7.01. 2019